(Snippets from the frontline)
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Patients and families are lost.
“Why was my father sent home from the hospital with a pulse of 30; my mother put on hospice for cancer when it was never diagnosed; my sister discharged with a bowel obstruction which was later almost fatal; or a cardiologist not consulted for my chest pain?”
Many physicians have given up medical decision-making because they are now employed or contracted by hospitals and told how to treat patients by administrators. They financially manipulate doctors away from evidence-based humanitarian care toward profit-motive self-serving care.
Is it working? The US spends 18% of its Gross Domestic Product on healthcare (double any other nation), yet ranks 31st in Life Expectancy. Cuba is 32nd. Where does most of that money go? Into the pockets of hospital, pharmaceutical, and insurance company executives. So it works for them.
It’s time to start a civil non-partisan conversation and develop a strategy to take back healthcare. Let educated medical decisions be made by doctors so patients and families can be led out from the abyss.
Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.
I believe it. This why I and I tell family and friends to be proactive and insist on certain test etc. I have quite a few family and friends that are doctors. I hope they are not pushed into this.