(Snippets from the frontline)
COVID-19: Monitoring destiny
You’re sick. Is it a cold, seasonal flu, or COVID-19?
Whether you know the answer or not, the fatal destination typically is your lungs. If this happens and you are not in the right place having appropriate healthcare, you can go into respiratory failure requiring a ventilator.
Some of you remain at home, and are ill. Knowing blood pressure, pulse, and temperature are important. But a critical piece of information is your oxygen level. When this starts to decrease, your lungs might not be exchanging oxygen well because of infection.
Pulse oximeters, like toilet paper, are becoming rare. They may be purchased at pharmacies or online. It is placed on the fingertip and provides an oxygen reading.
If the oxygen level is decreasing and becomes abnormal, it could be an indication of pending respiratory problems. Associated with shortness of breath and other symptoms of COVID-19, this may be a time to seek medical help.
Since nasal swab testing for COVID-19 is presently limited, don’t wait for this result if your oxygen level is dropping.
Life might be at your fingertip.
Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.
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