Doctor’s Diary March 12, 2021: COVID-19/BLM: Natural Selection and making decisions

(Snippets from the frontline)

COVID-19/BLM:  Natural Selection and making decisions

I am a scientist and believe Charles Darwin is the father of evolution.  Plus, after reading medical literature, I support the COVID-19 vaccine and wearing of masks.  Some of you don’t.

As a physician, I make decisions from evidence-based information.  Collected data is used to weigh treatment risks and benefits for patients.

Within the realm of Darwin’s theories is “Natural Selection”:  Those who might have physical traits allowing their species to adapt and better survive over others.  Mankind has been favored by having intellect and common sense. 

There is a void in our science as we lack the ability to fully measure and appreciate differences in mental capabilities.  Sure, we have IQ tests, but what measures common sense?

Eventually, science will fill in the gaps and understand intellectual differences with new technology of brain scanning such as fMRI – functional magnetic resonance, or PET scan – positive emission tomography.  Until then, we will not know why some accept or reject vaccines and mask wearing.

Based on Darwin, Natural Selection will kick in with this behavior.  Those who receive the vaccine and wear masks will survive.  Those who don’t, probably did not read beyond the first paragraph.

Natural selection.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

1 Comment

  • Linda DeVries says:

    Just love reading your posts. I think we should call it what it is Profit Care, not Health Care.

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