Doctor’s Diary April 10, 2021: Mental illness is the root of our problem

(Snippets from the frontline)

Mental illness is the root of our problem

Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic brings us to light at the end of the tunnel. Arising again are mass shootings and voices of gun control.  Mitigation of this problem lies in changing and enhancing certain laws, but the true root of this and other social issues is mental illness.

Prevention of disease saves lives.  Not smoking, minimizing alcohol consumption, more exercise, and watching weight and diet can extend life expectancy.

When I was a teen, my father took me to Metropolitan State Hospital and Camarillo State Hospital where he saw patients as a social worker.  I mingled for hours with those who were mentally ill, watching sports on TV, playing cards, and shooting the breeze. I realized there is a fine line between normalcy and mental illness.

Psychiatric hospitals have closed, and jails have become mental wards. Residual of not recognizing and treating mental instability flows into homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, widespread overdose, increased high school dropouts, and overcrowded prisons.

Presently advocating gun control is only the tip of the iceberg. 

Mental illness is a pandemic, and is the root of our problem.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

1 Comment

  • Linda DeVries says:

    So agree mental illness is our biggest problem as a society. Unless you have insurance to pay for it or the funds to back you it’s impossible to get quality mental health care. How is it that a person with mental issues is able to buy a gun?
    So sad we have all the homeless, is this really the best we can do??? When there is a homeless dog people all want to help get the dog home, but a homeless person, call the cops! Maybe when it’s your brother, sister or son you’ll see these precious differently. Part of the problem is our laws. Those need to be looked at and changed. If a person is litterly dying on the street, obviously they are not in their right mind to make the decision if they need help or not. Lots of work to be done, but I’m hopeful we will get there.

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