(Snippets from the frontline)
A message to my colleagues
Your patients are suffering.
Healthcare is in shambles, and the consequence is not just physical weakening of bodies, but the degradation of our national soul.
You know this as you see hospital colleagues not ordering consultants or testing on patients; delay surgery because of an algorithm; or take a bonus from hospitals or medical groups in exchange to lessen care. The list goes on.
Decision-making has been compromised, and you do nothing about it for fear of losing your job. Your mental health suffers because of guilt.
Worse of all, this silence is harming the American people allowing profiteers in hospitals, insurance and pharmaceutical companies to negatively effect patient care.
I belong to the American College of Physicians who has issued a “Position Paper” addressing the need for “…a Bold New Prescription” for healthcare. Many citizens are not convinced there is a problem as it has not overwhelmed them, yet.
Horror stories abound, so I ask my colleagues to share them with readers, contact worthy journalists in your area, or let me know and I will pass them forward.
Where are the brave doctors?
Our children and grandchildren will thank you.
Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.
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