(Snippets from the frontline)
COVID-19/BLM: Photobombing to the bottom of the list
Some hospitals and ICUs are packed. Older adults fear limited equipment could result in adverse medical decisions against them because of age.
If there is only one ventilator, who will be chosen to live: An older patient, or a younger patient?
Many of my senior friends know they would make the ultimate sacrifice, despite knowledge they could still contribute to the wellbeing of their family and society. Some have already fought for our country, payed taxes, given back to society through volunteerism, and worked to raise and educate their children.
They have been responsible.
We of the older generation understand the need for socialization. But when this comes with irresponsible actions of not wearing a mask or keeping distance risking dissemination of a deadly virus, then one must question who should be first in line for that ventilator.
Utilizing online photos and identification of irresponsible individuals possibly spreading the virus should result in a priority list. If you are publicly identified without a mask or distancing, you go to the bottom of the list.
Even if you are photobombing, you lose your place in line.
That is being responsible.
I total agreement! In addition, I believe if you are a church whining about masks and you hold services when there is an order to not hold service for fear of spreading COVID, and you do spread COVID, you ought lose your tax exempt status! Taking it further, if you commend the 17 year old who went into a crowd to kill people and did so, your church ought lose its standing as a church. These pandemic times call for care of our fellow humans and there is no room for selfish, childlike behavior.
In contra costa county we are at 80% for icu beds taken but a very small percent id for covid. we also have more vents than needed. we have pushed the curve very low but the county is still in the worse zone. we are allowing indoor haircuts again tomorrow.