Doctor’s Diary March 3, 2018: How hospitals minimize doctor input

(Snippets from the frontline)

How hospitals minimize doctor input

Despite physicians being on the frontline of healthcare, doctor input in hospitals is nil.  Medical decision-making is now in the hands of business administrators with quality patient care decreasing as hospital profits increase.

This is part of a business plan developed three decades ago by hospital executives to augment their salaries and bonuses. 


-corralling votes on committees that control the hospital using lucrative conflicted contracts (Board of Directors, and Medical Executive Committee – doctors);

-changing By-Laws of the Board of Directors and Medical Staff favorable to their plan;

-removing whistleblowing doctors from Medical Staff through false accusations;

-employ physician groups then threaten severing contracts controlling doctor votes;

-having a physician complaint “hotline” which administrators oversee leading to a dead end;

-changing hospital polices and procedures to suit their needs;

-controlling Public Relations and hiding (especially from doctors) harmful statistics under the guise of confidentiality;

-cutting corners and understaffing, while hiring new low-cost workers and firing efficient and highly experienced personnel;

the list goes on.

Without physician input, decision-making is now in the hands of hospital administrators so medical care will suffer.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

1 Comment

  • Gregory Jenkins says:

    Hello, Your post was spot on for accuracy. Hospital administration will pay doctors for votes on important policy changes. There may be two committees with similar names such as cardiology services and the cardiology committee. One of the committees has a paid medical staff member as chairman and receive a $20 thousand a month salary . Then these paid doctors advertise in the community they are the chief of the paid committee causing confusion with the community.

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