Doctor’s Diary March 6, 2018: DNA

(Snippets from the frontline)


DNA links your past to present weaving together multiple generations. 

Simple testing (spitting into a test tube) may reveal information you might never suspect.  Some want to know if they are relatives of famous people, while others are searching for potential genetic diseases.

I finally took a DNA test and there were no surprises.  In deference to my name, the map showed half of me came from Japan, and the other half from Europe.  There were some variants of African and China stirred into the pot, but for the most part I was percentage-wise distinct.  No one famous, and no threatening diseases. 

Interestingly, it revealed many of my ancestors are now in the United States.

Test your DNA and you might find strength and a level of fearlessness it took your ancestors to leave their birth-country, family, tradition, and culture. 

This pioneering trait moved settlers from east to west coast, advanced the industrial revolution, put an astronaut on the moon, and now fights for gender, racial, same-sex, and economic equality.

It goes beyond DNA, and is a characteristic of Americans that should make us proud.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

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