Doctor’s Diary: A “Senior-friendly” 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles, August 18, 2024

A “Senior-friendly” 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles

The Paris Olympics have ended, and watching two weeks of events on television was, as usual, captivating. As most of you know, this international sports competition is coming to Los Angeles in 2028, and I’m sure it will feature spectacular performances by world athletes.

Many older adults would love to attend, but mobility and ticket costs might be prohibitive. I suggest Olympic organizers consider making this event “senior-friendly” and accessible.

By 2028, almost 30% of California’s population will be 65 or older. The venues will be spread over Los Angeles communities, and preparations will be made to mitigate traffic problems, ensure appropriate transportation availability, and put in place security for all participants and viewers. These will be our priorities.

A considerable portion of the older California population may be unable to attend the event due to accessibility issues. We must address this now. Let’s prioritize these deserving older adults, arrange transportation, and ensure access to these events. 

Priority might also honor those seniors who are veterans, retired as first responders, and have been teachers educating our children.

A “senior-friendly” Los Angeles Olympic Games could be organized by the surrounding counties, working through local senior centers to obtain tickets, arrange transportation, and contact those seniors who might want to attend.

Can this be done? Of course, especially if politicians appreciate knowing senior athletic interests do not wane with age. Many countries around the world honor their older adults, but no country hosting the Olympics has attempted to recognize and work to make its Games accessible for seniors.

Let’s be different and not only show the world that we produce great athletes but also honor those who have contributed to that lifetime effort by having a “senior-friendly” 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.


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