Doctor’s Diary October 22, 2019: Because they can…

(Snippets from the frontline)

Because they can…

  • Raise drug prices
  • Increase rent
  • Boost gasoline costs
  • Inflate health insurance including premiums and deductibles
  • Kick you out of the hospital after 4 days despite continued poor health
  • Push older adults into nursing homes while paying doctors kickbacks to do it
  • Actively pressure patients into hospice end-of-life care
  • Provide a medical bill from a hospital or insurance company no one can understand, then send bill collectors after you
  • Force payment for an ambulance even in an emergency deterring 911 calls
  • Not allow marijuana use in hospitals for pain perpetuating narcotic addiction
  • Force experienced workers into retirement
  • Decrease social security payments if you get a job for extra income
  • Take your drivers license away disrupting independence, yet not providing alternative transportation

…and more

For those who fought for this country, taught and educated students for generations, were first responders and served in law enforcement, and many others that are now put by the wayside: Why?


They keep you poor, force you into homelessness, and not allow you to age in place.

Who are “they.”

Sometimes, we don’t even know.

We are helpless while many suffer.

Because they can…

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.


  • Sandi Illson says:

    I agree. We need to have a sit down, or meetings and maybe different groups of people can work an single individual problem. There are SO many Issues, Lif’e threatening Issues, and there are more than enough people to stand up and fight in whatever way we can. I can’t stand up and my body hates me and punishes me. But the severe pain I have to suffer everyday like many of us seniors, no, like most of our seniors do. But we can fight. We can use our fingers for Phone calls or our mouths to ask questions. We are a large group, us “Baby boomers.,” My Father brought me up on the history of what the troops of WWII suffered for, died for, so we could all live. They would have liked to come home to, but so, so many didn’t. When I was a younger woman, my Father would say “All of those men fought and died for our freedom and our quality of life. My father died about 4 yrs. ago, at the age of 93. His feelings changed. He worried more deeply about those of us left behind in a country who care nothing for us now, we are older and not supporting the country with our labor anymore. We are feeble, we are medically draining this country and our toll on everything (SSI & so on). The only people there are to fight for our rights of how we live and how we die or we can suffer and those we leave behind Will Watch our end and continue on waiting for the same or worse happen to them. Will we be the ones to start this road we now will have to find a way to make it, and make it work. I don’t know much but damn it, I can fight! Please, Please, you can too. However little or a lot. Every foot step forward, no matter what size, is still one more foot steps. We have one hell of a lot of feet. Dr. Snippets, we need your help. Santa Clarita we need your help too! It can’t be dome without ALL of US! Thank you for reading, it’s way to long, but thank you and to you Dr. Dorio there just aren’t enough things to say about all the things you do. You! Thank You

  • Paul Jhin says:

    Very eye opening article.

    What can we do about it?

    We need to discuss and come up with some kind of solutions.


    Paul Jhin, Fellow Commissioner

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