Doctor’s Diary October 27, 2019: The business takeover of medicine

(Snippets from the frontline)

The business takeover of medicine

For centuries, American doctors were guided by the Hippocratic Oath caring for their patients.  About 30 years ago though, business saw an opportunity for profit and deliberately nullified the voice of physicians.  Tactics were used to yank control of decision-making from medical professionals, and set profit goals instead of healing goals.

In hospitals, self-serving Board of Director votes were harnessed, while the physician Medical Staff was infiltrated and monetarily influenced.  Whistleblowing doctors were attacked, while other physicians were deftly subjugated through tangling contracts.

Lobbyists from insurance and pharmaceutical companies joined hands with hospitals setting up a system of profit for their special interest groups.

The conveyor belt of medical care sped up, while quality diminished. 

The medical profession’s proud reliance on evidence-based decision-making is now skewed by the business decision to “deny” appropriate care for profit and greed.

Doctor voices have been eliminated while many of my colleagues cower in fear.

The Hippocratic Oath of medicine has been taken over by the Hypocratic Oath of business. 

From how you see medicine practiced today, you already know what that oath means.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

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