Doctor’s Diary May 13, 2020: COVID-19: Knowing when you and your loved ones are safe

(Snippets from the frontline)

COVID-19:  Knowing when you and your loved ones are safe

Ask yourself:

If you are in your teens, how do you prevent spreading COVID-19 to your grandparents?

If you are an older adult, how do you prevent transmitting COVID-19 to your grandchildren?

If you are in your thirties, how do you prevent disseminating COVID-19 to your parents or children?

Prevention will come following comprehensive guidelines using PPEs which could spare you and your loved ones from this disease.

Many States are “reopening.”  How do you know the business, office space, or beauty salon will protect you from getting exposed?  Shouldn’t everyone have to follow certain criteria and recommendations created by respected citizens, organizations, or government?

How do you know whether you are safe, and therefore your loved ones are safe?

You don’t.

Trusted leaders and citizens who present well thought-out plans could keep you from infecting your loved ones.  Without a plan including PPEs, testing, contact tracing, and specific business involvement, reopening can fail.   

We need to know these answers, and utilize comprehensive plans and guidelines to protect ourselves and our loved ones. 

We will then all feel safer.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

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