Doctor’s Diary May 19, 2020: COVID-19: The ultimate sacrifice

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COVID-19:  The ultimate sacrifice

First, older adults are funneled into nursing homes.  Then, if one gets ill, they claim you’ve lived a good life but now have to sacrifice your spot in the world for someone younger. 

Some of these seniors won wars for us, were first responders, taught generations of children, and worked as healthcare professionals.  Others mowed lawns, picked up garbage, cleaned homes, and harvested fruits and vegetables.  All served to enhance our society supporting efforts to move forward.

Don’t they deserve the respect they have earned?

On top of this, the financial costs with decreased tax revenues have placed greater burden on government programs, and guess where the budget will be slashed?  Seniors are not asking for people to make the ultimate sacrifice, only to sustain older adult housing, food, medicine, and healthcare until we work our way out of this pandemic.

Many States will struggle.  Cutting services to vulnerable seniors can make situations worse for those who depend on them.

Older adults have always been able to tighten their belts.  It is time all of us do this together, and not ask those who have been the basis of this country to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

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