Doctor’s Diary May 22, 2020: COVID-19: What would Ray Bradbury say?

(Snippets from the frontline)

COVID-19:  What would Ray Bradbury say?

Ray Bradbury was a renown science fiction writer who I share common memories:  Los Angeles High School.  He graduated 30 years before, and rumor had it he failed English.

Prior to passing away in 2012, we met in Santa Clarita, so I was able to ask the daunting question:  “Did you fail English?”  He smiled, “I got a C.”

Known for his futuristic extrapolation of present-day events, the coronavirus pandemic would have been a gold mine for his imagination.

There are many potential scenarios destiny holds for us, but I am hopeful there will be a “cure” in the near future.  As a scientist with medical knowledge, I believe convalescent plasma will open the door to antibody isolation, that eventually will halt infections and bring the world back to normal.

Adding a vaccine to the arsenal will bury this virus, as well as others to come.

My scenario is just one of many that scientists and sci-fi writers are churning over right now.

If Ray Bradbury were still around, he would probably say:  “Dorio, you get a C.”

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

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