Doctor’s Diary June 8, 2020: COVID-19/BLM: A love story in waiting

(Snippets from the frontline)

COVID-19/BLM:  A love story in waiting

She was a concert pianist.  He, an aerospace engineer putting a man on the moon.  They were married 60 years.  He always joked “we make out-of-this-world sweet music together!”

Relegated to a wheelchair, he pushed her into the the office for monthly check-ups.  Sometimes they had to wait, but when I entered the exam room they continued chatting, unaware of my presence.  Obviously, they were best friends.

He remembered, “We met in high school, and waited 2 years to get married until I got back from the war.”

“Then, he waited as I traveled performing concerts around the country.”

“We settled down with our children, and waited for them to grow up so we could be together again” both chuckling.

Age never daunted their spirit, but it was catching up with them.  Her heart was failing, and she passed away at home.  Without her he deteriorated, and a month later told me “she’s waiting for me”, then within a few days passed away.

They contributed concerts to us, and exploring outer space.  But they gave their love to each other, waiting again to make sweet music together.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

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