Doctor’s Diary June 26, 2020: COVID-19/BLM: What race are you?

(Snippets from the frontline)

COVID-19/BLM:  What race are you?

Most people can’t determine my race when they look for features to categorize my skin, hair, eyes, and nose. 

For years, I have been aware of my bi-racial background, and now can identify with the fastest growing “race” in the Untied States…the mixed race.  This was extended further with DNA analysis as I’ve discovered I am tri-racial.

This of course should not matter.  Who a person is should be based on what is carried in their heart, soul, and spirit.  Are they good people caring for those around them with sympathy and empathy?  Will they help those who are downtrodden and pick up those who need help?  And are they honest and forthright, doing the best they can for family, friends, and community?

If so, then you are a part of the human race, so looks, color of skin, nor DNA should matter.  The designation of “race” will one day only be in history books, shelved away for antiquity.

Science and medicine will slowly evolve, along with social change. 

This might be the right time though to speed up the process in light of COVID-19 and BLM.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

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