Doctor’s Diary August 26, 2020: COVID-19/BLM: Guinea pig in a mask

(Snippets from the frontline)

COVID-19/BLM:  Guinea pig in a mask

I visited a bedridden husband of a former nurse.  She had not been out of the house for 4 months, but told me she ventured to get groceries wearing a mask.  Having worn one for decades working at our local hospital, she told me “I wanted to rip it off my face as I almost passed out for lack of oxygen!”

So I became a guinea pig.

For three consecutive days I walked two miles wearing an N90 mask.  It was on the same terrain and time of day, and I wore a pulse oximeter on my finger so I could measure my oxygen level.

Typically in the morning it is 96-98 percent.  I do not smoke, vape, nor have any chronic lung conditions other than growing up in smoggy Los Angeles. 

Before starting, I measured my oxygen level without the mask.  Normal.   Then I put the mask on taking measurement every quarter mile.  The results:  It remained between 96 and 98 percent.

This is anecdotal so I cannot tell you what your readings might be, but my oxygen level was normal with the mask.

Still, not withstanding, I wanted to rip it off my face!

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.


  • gary ordog says:

    Thanks Gene, love your writing. As like you I wore a mask for the past 45 years, for much of the time in the hospital, in surgery. I have to say that you do get used to it. I have one of those watches that tells you your heart rate, BP, EKG, and oxygen saturation instantly and at all times. You are correct, there was no change, even when on a several mile hike. Keep up the good work!

  • Henry E. Butler III M.D., F.A.C.S. says:

    On an unrelated topic, is there merit in extending Virginia’s tax-credit
    (“Donations of Professional Services”) to the I.R.S. and to private offices, not just to established programs?

    If you concur, let me know. We were stationed with the Governor of Virginia in Germany during the Gulf War.

    Henry E. Butler III M.D., F.A.C.S.

  • al says:

    as a surgeon i wore a mask all my practicing days. now i hate it like you i want to tear it off and it seems smothering. interesting psyc change

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