Doctor’s Diary September 10, 2020: COVID-19/BLM: Soothing the spirit and soul

(Snippets from the frontline)

COVID-19/BLM:  Soothing the spirit and soul

Being in private practice for 40 years allowed me to set my schedule and spend time with my patients.

I was able to delve into non-medical questions including the type of work they did, how many kids they had, and if they served in the military.  Knowing their background gave me a greater appreciation of them emotionally, religiously, financially, and medically.

At times, knowing them personally helped guide medical decisions, entrusting confidence in my care.  I especially learned the importance of family in their lives.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the practice of medicine.  Families are not able to visit loved ones in the hospital, even when they are at end-of-life.  As a doctor, this pandemic-related decision has been the most inhumane.

I know the importance of family touch, voice, holding of hands, and stroking of hair which soothes the spirit and soul.  There is no substitute.

We now know this virus better and how to contain it.  Hospitals advertise “We are safe; come back!”  Let us return to a society that is medically humane.

We must find a way to allow families to be with their loved ones in the hospital.

Gene Uzawa Dorio, M.D.

Two hands stretching out to reach one another

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